Trish Stratus wet
Friday, March 21, 2008
Trish Stratus with Nothing on - trish stratus strip poker uncensored - Trish Stratus Tribute Video
Trish Stratus had never been with another woman. I'd be lying to myself if I said I had never thought about it. When he approached me with the idea, Trish Stratus entertained it playfully hoping to get an arousal from him. I never expected to have the best sex of my life that night. The thought of bisexual sex between two women brought him to his highest peak of arousal and Trish Stratus of course benefited from this climactical performance. Laying there in the afterglow of good sex, smoking a cigarette, while he played with my hair...daydreaming of the scenes he must have created in his twisted little perverted mind. I was beginning to get turned on all over again.
Never in the time I had known him had I ever seen him this hot for me, animalistic, pure uninhibited and oh so so kinky. I could not help but wonder how much more intense it could be if I truly agreed to have sex with another woman for him, with him. I mean this time it was only a fantasy, something we talked about before splashing into each others orgasmic imaginations, but what if...what if I truly did it? Could I? Could I actually bring myself to pleasure and be pleasured by a woman?
Trish Stratus pondered the thought for weeks, staring and wondering about every woman I passed in the street...testing myself to see if I could be attracted to them sexually. After weeks of driving myself insane with the thoughts I decided it forget it and continue this fantasy game he and Trish Stratus played so well together. There was no reason to ruin a good thing, after all... I wasn't even sure he would go through with it himself.
Work was becoming a nightmare, the stress and frustration in the office was rapidly climbing like the mercury in a thermometer ready to burst. Trish Stratus decided to take a mental health vacation and go away for 3 days by myself. I had always wanted to visit Maine...picturing a nice little Bed and Breakfast on a lake would be great, peaceful...serene. Trish Stratus left on Thursday, driving 9 hours alone listening to the radio and trying to keep my head clear of all exasperating issues. I arrived at 10 PM at the Bed & Breakfast and seemed to be the only car in the lot. I walked into the lobby where this tall attractive middle aged woman was waiting for me with a smile. She looked warm and friendly and greeted me by my first name. Trish Stratus smiled back and asked her if Trish Stratus was the only guest that evening.
Trish Stratus explained it was a slow season and that Trish Stratus could I have my choice of rooms and she lived there herself so if I wanted company she'd always be around. I thanked her and she gave me the key to the room I chose on the 3rd floor. After I made myself at home in my room, unpacking the few things I brought with me I strolled downstairs to see what the rest of the place was like. Trish Stratus found the woman, sitting in a room with a fireplace, a few couches and a coffee table. She was alone, sipping a Brandy, staring into the fire. She heard me walk in and asked if I'd like to join her. Trish Stratus apologized for forgetting her name and accepted her invitation.
Labels: Trish Stratus Gallery, trish stratus strip poker uncensored, Trish Stratus Tribute Video, Trish Stratus Video in a Bathtub

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